Friday, May 28, 2010


I am sure everyone has their own throw-up stories they can share- whether they offending liquid chunks came from your own mouth or someone else's.

I am a nanny. I am a mother. I have my fair share of throw-up stories. Today was a bad one. I was watching H. and I could tell he wasn't feeling that well. He slept for several hours while I played with the girls. A couple hours later he began to cry. I, like any other conscious minded nanny, went immediately to get him. I picked him up and SPEW all over my clothes! It was literally like a bad SNL skit where the puke just flies everywhere, coating everything. I was covered.

I was holding H. who was now smiling. I carried him into the bathroom, set him down and pulled off my foul smelling sweatshirt. I picked H. back up and was just about to wash his and my hands off when SPEW all over my shirt.

The girls by this time had come to investigate. Maybe they smelled the aroma, maybe they got bored but they came running! Before I had time to stop them, F. and M. ran right into the pile of throw-up from H.'s most recent outburst.

Of course they were sickened when they realized what it was but it was too late the damage was done. We. were. all. puke. covered. F. and M. then panicked and ran about the bathroom and hallway getting puke all over the carpet.

I wanted to laugh, I wanted to cry but mostly I just wanted to throw-up.

What's your story?